Weed Control

Fiesta® Turf Weed Killer is a selective, broadleaf weed killer that leaves turf healthy and weed-free using a specially formulated iron chelate solution. Fiesta works quickly, delivering visible same-day results, even in cool weather. And since Fiesta is made from iron, it has no unpleasant odor during or after application, and people and pets can reenter the treated area once the spray is dry. Suitable for broadcast application or spot treatment, Fiesta is a versatile, patented product that will help grass look its best, even in many pesticide restricted areas such as parks, golf courses, cemeteries, sports fields, and playgrounds. Lawns and turf can be reseeded within one day of treatment. This product is ideal for alternative lawn care programs.
Mode of Action
Iron is bound to a chelating agent, iron hydroxyl ethylene diamine tetraacetate (HEDTA), which keeps the iron soluble and readily available for plant uptake. Broadleaf weeds absorb Fiesta easily and in larger quantities than grass does, which leads to cellular damage and ultimate plant death in broadleaf weeds while grass remains unharmed.
Pests Affected
Fiesta is effective on dandelion, false dandelion, English daisy, white clover, black medic, bull thistle, Canada thistle, common chickweed, creeping buttercup, slender speedwell, narrow-leaved plantain, dove’s-foot geranium, lawn burweed, moss and algae. Fiesta is also suitable for the suppression of broad-leaved plantain and controls plant diseases such as dollar spot, rust and snow mold.
*Not for use in California on the weeds that are not approved by DPR (as per the combined label)
Use Sites
Suitable for broadcast application or spot treatment, Fiesta is a versatile, patented product that will help turf look its best, even in pesticide restricted areas such as parks, golf courses, cemeteries, sports fields, and playgrounds. It is ideal for turfcare specialists looking for an IPM approach to weed control. Fiesta is rain-fast in three hours and remains effective in cool weather.
Reduced Risk
Fiesta is made from iron, it has no unpleasant odor during or after application, and pets and people can reenter the treated area once the spray is dry. This product is ideal for lawn care where pesticide bans exist.
Fiesta Turf Weed Killer
- Causes no harm to turf grasses like Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, or fescue
- Controls numerous species including dandelions, white clover, thistle, and broadleaf plantain
- Excess iron causes oxidative stress within plants at a cellular level causing plant death
- Excellent for areas where quick re-entry is essential
- No unpleasant odor and rainfast within three hours

Finalsan® Herbicidal Soap is a fast-acting, OMRI Listed®, non-selective weed, grass, algae, lichen, and moss killer. Using a specially formulated, non-staining, ammoniated soap of fatty acids, Finalsan Herbicidal Soap is a non-selective herbicide that controls and suppresses many common annual, biennial, and perennial weeds that grow around field-grown vegetables and fruits; trees and shrubs; and on roofs, decks, patios, walks, bricks, and cement. Finalsan Herbicidal Soap can be used any time during the year, even in cool weather, and leaves no harmful residue in the soil.
Mode of Action
The active ingredient is ammoniated soap of fatty acids. It works by allowing free fatty acids to accumulate in the plant cells. These acids cause intracellular damage, leading to cell collapse. It penetrates the waxy cuticle of plants, causing them to dehydrate and die.
Pests Affected
Finalsan Herbicidal Soap controls or suppresses many common annual, biennial, and perennial weeds. Works well on grasses, chickweed, dandelions, groundsel, mustards, plantains, moss, and algae.
Use Sites
Use it around landscaping areas, fruit trees, buildings, fences, driveways, or gravel. Finalsan kills plants on contact. It will not reach underground portions of plants and will not cause harm to the bark of mature wood plants.
Finalsan Herbicidal Soap
- Fast-acting weed, grass, algae, and moss killer
- OMRI Listed® organic product
- Allows free fatty acids to accumulate in plant cells, causing intracellular damage
- Penetrates the plant's waxy coating, causing dehydration and death

Frequently Asked Questions
Products that contain FeHEDTA are selective herbicides for the control of broadleaf weeds, moss, algae, and some fungal diseases in turf and garden beds. Selective broadleaf control mean it kills weeds but does not harm the grass.
Fiesta works quickly, delivering visible same-day results, even in cool weather.
Fiesta is not organic listed. Rather, it is an EPA registered bio-herbicide made from iron, it has no unpleasant odor during or after application and people and pets can reenter the treated area once the spray is dry.
What will Finalsan kill?Finalsan is a non-selective burndown herbicide that work very quickly and can see results in hours
Yes, Finalsan is listed as organic by the Organic Materials Resarch Institute (OMRI)
Yes, Finalsan will control moss and algae and also works in both cool and warm temperatures
Where to Buy
Commercial growers in North America can contact their local ag chemical dealers or
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