Finalsan® Herbicidal Soap
Finalsan® Herbicidal Soap is a fast-acting weed, grass, algae, lichen, liverwort, and moss killer. Using a specially formulated, non-staining, ammoniated soap of fatty acids, Finalsan Herbicidal Soap is a non-selective herbicide that controls and suppresses many common annual, biennial, and perennial weeds that grow around ornamental flowers, mature shrubs and trees; in lawns bordering garden areas; in bark mulch; around planters, raised beds, containers and other structures holding flowers, trees, shrubs, and vegetables; in planting beds prior to planting grass, flowers or vegetables; and on roofs, decks, patios, walks, bricks, and cement. Finalsan Herbicidal Soap can be used any time during the year, even in cool weather, leaves no harmful residue in the soil, and is biodegradable. Finalsan Pro is available in 10L, 200L and 1000L sizes for every situation.
Distributed by: Evergreen Bio Innovations

Finalsan Labels & SDS
Finalsan Efficacy Data
- Neudorff, Germany, 2008 - Control of Dandelion in the Field
- BioResearch, Forey, 2010 - Total Weed Cover After One Treatment Application in a Fallow Field
Additional Resources
- Finalsan Pro Fact Sheet English | French
- Finalsan Moss Fact Sheet
- Finalsan Giant Hogweed Fact Sheet
Where to Buy
Commercial growers in North America can contact their local ag chemical dealers or
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