Neudorff is pleased to announce that Japanese authorities have confirmed that both iron phosphate and iron EDTA are covered by the Japanese Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) exemption for iron on the list of Substances Having No Potential to Cause Damage to Human Health. Growers exporting to Japan may safely use Sluggo, Ferroxx, and IronFist slug and snail baits with no risk to the marketability of their produce in that important and sensitive market.
Additionally, at this time the authorities in South Korea have stated that they will, in general, honor the US exemption (40 CFR Part 180.1302) for iron EDTA. South Korea does not maintain its own list of exempted substances and reserves the right to impose such a list in the future. Neudorff will make every effort to see that its products are exempted from MRLs in this and all export markets as regulations change and new regulations are imposed.
Maximum Residue Limits have become an important part of successful agricultural commodity marketing; complicated regulations have led to confusion in determining MRLs for export markets. Neudorff prides itself on providing growers and applicators with powerful, effective materials that are exempt from MRLs in the US and other export markets and strives to maintain up-to-date information on the exempt status of these products.
Pesticides that are residue exempt (zero MRL) provide growers and food distributors with flexibility as to where they can sell their produce on a global level. More and more retail food stores and end-users are concerned about food safety and are demanding produce that is grown with residue exempt inputs such as Sluggo, Ferroxx and Iron Fist.
Neudorff is committed to supporting and defending these exemptions and to keeping our valued users informed regarding the status of Neudorff products.